Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Where is Peter today?

The question is:
Where is Peter today?
In Mr. E's back yard!

Had an e mail reply from J. That felt good, and supported me in my life to get my boys together
Had conversations with K. That felt good, and supported me in my life to get my boys together
Sent a text to D. B That felt good, and supported me in my life to get my boys together
Work to do on Radio Laguna. I am really pleased to be gettin this s
Show planned with Mark Gofstein on Blog Talk Radio. July 15, 2010
Starting the OO Show a week later than planned, due to unforeseen circumstances.
Getting back in touch with Robert Naumann

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It’s All About You

marcus coaching

Many people are stressed out, working hard - some with less income than last year and many are feeling, unsure and even exhausted, . Survival in this difficult environment is helped by learning to ask for what you want in your relationships while at the same time being sensitive to other peoples requirements and desires. To who are you going to say “Thank You” to today? Life Coach _ Explore new perspectives